Friday, September 02, 2005

Blogcritics Break It Down For Prison Break

Prison Break (Fox), the first new series to kick off the Fall 2005 television season, has the Blogcritics in a flurry.

And why not? There's a structural engineer purposefully landing himself in a prison he helped design in an attempt to bust out his brother, who is accused of murdering the Vice President's own bro. There's prison riots, cons who are far too friendly and good looking to possibly make it in the real clink, an old coot with a cat under his coat and a mysterious past, origami sailboats that mean mischief and mayhem and murder and madness, conjugal visits, a warden building a replica of the Taj Mahal for his wife, and a hot nurse who is strangely left alone with prisoners.

Particularly a prisoner with detailed blueprints on busting out of the joint tattooed but somehow well disguised across his 24 Hour fitnessed body.

What's not to like?

Break it down with us here all season long.

Review: Prison Break
It's completely ridiculous. But if you can kind of squint and pretend you don't see all the malarkey...
Posted to Video by Tom the Dog on August 31, 2005 11:31 AM

Prison Break: Worth Watching
Fox starts the season early... and well...
Posted to Video by Bryce Zabel on August 31, 2005 01:45 AM

Review: Prison Break
This is a good way to start off the fall television season.
Posted to Video by Sterfish on August 30, 2005 03:49 AM

TV Review: While Entertaining, Prison Break Has Untapped Potential
Even though most networks, in theory, would like to be able to air original programming all year, FOX is probably the best known out of all of the television networks for making the most out of year round programming, thanks...
Posted to Video by Joe on August 30, 2005 03:46 AM

2005 Fall Line-Up Reviews: Take 1 - Prison Break
How long can they stretch that premise?
Posted to Video by Jeliel on August 30, 2005 01:54 AM


Staff said...

Welcome the the DB, Jeliel... Looks like someone's been Technorati-ing or Googling themselves, eh?

Damian said...

I enjoyed reading your poost