Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dumpster Bust Radio: Podcast #8

It’s been a while but we’re back in style:

Dumpster Bust Radio: Podcast #8

Burnout and a hot spring’s cold (the most fun kind of cold you can have) kept me away for a little while, but the lure of the pod brought me back home, back to the bowels of my apartment building for some late-night podcasting action.

This week, I ruminate about the meaning of existence, and then awkwardly segue into the first part of an interview with Salon.com’s advice columnist, Cary Tennis.

Check out the first part of the print interview with the super cool Mr. Tennis below.

DB Radio #8 Presents

Hear ye: hear me ramble on about how I’m trying to reconcile being a podcaster and a writer and a solitary human being all at once. Oh, woe is me-o.

DB Film Squad: What the Bleep Do We Know? and I Heart Huckabees
I defy you to see both of these films and then not kick it philosopher stylin’ for a little while.

Featured Song #1
“Naughty Little Girl” – Matthew Long
This Beatles-esque number is one of the best songs I’ve heard in a long time.

Interview: Cary Tennis, Advice Columnist for Salon.com
In this first part of our interview, we delve into what it’s like to be an advice columnist, the quirks and mechanics of the American Psyche, and how to ascend Mt. Olympus when necessary… well, apparently it’s not that necessary.

Featured Song #2
“It’s a Fugazi” – The Speelmens

Track Listing for Dumpster Bust Radio #8
Dumpster Bust Radio runs podsafe music in the background whilst I yabber. Along with the Featured Songs, the idea is to promote awesome indie music and emerging artists and also to give everyone a break from my tortured vocal yelping every now and again.

Track #1 (Show Intro) “Black Star” – Apash
#2 “Long Ago” – Century Mythos
#3 (Featured Song) “Naughty Little Girl – Matthew Long
#4 “Oblivion” – Ken Argon
#5 (Featured Song) “It’s a Fugazi” – The Speelmens
#6 (Show Outro) “Blue Bird Tattoo” – Circe Link

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Staff said...

Thanks very much, TSL.

Personally, I loved Huckabees because it was a great screwball comedy (a fabulously rare find nowadays) that actually had a nice underbelly of pop philosophy.

Now, I'm no philosopher myself... so I can only guess what a Real One would get out of a comedy that tries to take a poke about the meaning of existence.

Did you see What the Bleep? Curious to hear your thoughts about that one.

Staff said...

Well, then you need to be checking it out then. It's called What the Bleep Do We Know? or... sometimes I've seen it as What the $%#&! Do We Know?

Saw it at Blockbuster the last time it was there. It's worth a check.